Glowing old / living long Quiz

This data was taken from wikipedia 2007. Choose the correct answer.

1. World average life expectancy is _____ years.

a) 70.8

b) 65.8

c) 67.2

2. Andorran life expectancy is ____ years.

a) 80.4

b) 79.5

c) 83.5

3. Japanese life expectancy is ____ years.

a) 79.0

b) 88.4

c) 82.6

4. American life expectancy is ____ years.

a) 80.7

b) 78.2

c) 76.3

5. Swazi life expectancy is ____ years. It is the lowest life expectancy in the world.

a) 80.7

b) 43.2

c) 50.7

6. Jeanne Calment (_____ years and 164 days) is the oldest person in history whose age has been verified by modern documentation.

a) 113

b) 122

c) 107

7. Shigechiyo Izumi (____ years and 237 days) is the oldest male ever recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records.

a) 120

b) 116

c) 111

8. Significant factors in the life expectancy include _____, genetics, access to health care, hygiene, diet, exercise, lifestyle, and crime rates.

a) gender

b) environment

c) background

9. Smoking, _____, Inactivity and Obesity all can reduce both life expectancy and overall quality of life.

a) alcohol

b) lack of sleep

c) stress

10. Molecular nanotechnology will greatly _____ human lifespans.

a) shorten

b) extend

c) swell



Chiaki Totsuka