ポイは、ポリネシアの食べ物でタロイモの根を蒸し焼きにしてペースト状につぶして発酵させたもので指ですくって食べます。味は、一言で言うと “素朴な味”。粘り気があり、酸味があるため、たいてい初めて食べた人はびっくりします。(日本では食べられるお店がない。)お砂糖をかけると食べやすく、ハワイの住民はご飯のように主食として食べていました。タロイモから作られるポイは栄養素がたっぷりの自然食で、今でもハワイでは家庭料理の一つです。

POI Quiz

Choose the correct answer.

1. Poi is as much a symbol of Hawaii as the ______________.

a) surfboard

b) football

c) baseball

2. Poi is often the first prepared food given to infants of all Hawaii's many __________.

a) men

b) races

c) women

3. Visitors are put off even before trying poi because the light brown, viscous mass looks something like_____paper paste.

a) news

b) wall

c) tissue

4. The sourness of poi depends on how long you _______it.

a) ferment

b) burn

c) boil

5. Poi is definitely an _____taste.

a) innate

b) acquired

c) bitter

6. Manufacturers of the product ship it in bags __ air to the mainland for Hawaiians living there.

a) at

b) in

c) by

7. The principal value of poi as baby food is its ''hypo___'' quality.

a) allergen

b) allergenic

c) allergy

8. Poi causes no _______ at all.

a) allergic

b) allergies

c) allergenic

9. Poi is originated in ___________ .




10.Poi is made of ___________.


b)sweet potatoes



Masaki Shimazaki