Aoyama Gakuin College of Economics students entering from the work force Present

世界の料理 the world Food


7.中国広東の飲茶 [Chinese Yumcha] に掲載の記事・写真の無断転載を禁じます。すべての内容は日本の著作権法並びに国際条約により保護されています。
Copyright 2006 All rights reserved. No reproduction or republication without written permission.

Created  by kimura










 Yum cha literally means "drinking tea." After 5,000 years of cultivating tea plants and brewing their leaves and those of other shrubs or herbs, the Chinese can truly be said to have a tea culture. Tea is more than a refreshment in China and Hong Kong. It is a medicine, a tonic, a social stimulant, a digestive aid - a way of life.

 People drink tea with snacks called dim sum. No Hong Kong visit would be complete without a trip to one of the territory's fine teahouses or restaurants that specialize in dim sum. Served throughout daylight hours, dim sum (literally meaning "to touch the heart") are snacks of freshly-steamed or fried Chinese "canapes". These remarkably-diverse examples of culinary innovation (and engineering) feature many different ingredients. Whereas the Frenchman has his coffee and his cafe, and a Briton has his beer and his pub, a Chinese has tea - and teahouses. In Imperial times in Northern China, the teahouse was the meeting place for gentlemen of leisure. They brought their pet birds along, savored their favorite teas, and passed the time of day. Drinking tea was a very serious business for them. Music and dancing were not allowed in the ancient teahouses, nor was food. In the 3rd Century AD, Hua To, one of the most respected Imperial physicians of ancient times, advised that "Eating food and drinking tea at the same time only results in excessive weight gain."

 They developed their unique culinary art of dim sum, and turned sedate teahouses into boisterous eating places where the merits of particular dim sum chefs and their culinary prowess would be enthusiastically debated. The Cantonese, like the French, proudly proclaim that they live to eat, not eat to live. It is no coincidence that dim sum literally means "to touch the heart"!

 When you see tea-drinkers tapping the table with three fingers of a hand, do not think it is a superstitious gesture. It is a silent expression of gratitude to the member of the party who has refilled their cup.




テキスト ボックス: Note
Shrub:低木    refreshment:飲料物    stimulant:覚せい剤    digestive:消化  canapes:カナッペ(トーストにキャビアなどを乗せたもの)    diverse:多様な    culinary:料理法    ingredient:原料    whereas:〜であるのに対して    savored:味わう    Hua To:華頭(人名)(医師)    prowess:才能    proclaim:宣言する   dim sum:点心

No to live to eat, to eat to live




”Yum cha” Quiz!!

”Yum cha” Quiz!!

Choose the correct answer. Try these quiz!!

1. Yum cha literally means “________”.

a). having a dinner with family

b). to touch the heart

c). drinking tea

2. Tea is more than a refreshment in China and Hong Kong. It is a(n) ________, a tonic, a social stimulant, a digestive aid – a way of life.



c). instead of Mother's milk

3. No Hong Kong visit would be complete _________ a trip to one of the territory's fine teahouses or restaurants that specialize in dim sum.




4. In Imperial times in Northern China, the teahouse was the meeting place for_________.

a).women of communicating with their relative

b).gentlemen of leisure


5. Tapping the table with three fingers of a hand is a silent expression of gratitude to the member of the party who has____ their cup.

a). refilled

b). washed

c). passed

 Yum cha!! True or False

True or False Quiz

1. People drink tea with snacks called Yum cha.

or ?

2. In Imperial times in Northern China, drinking tea was a very serious business for them.

or ?

3. The Cantonese, like the French, proudly proclaim that they live to eat, not eat to live.

or ?