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11.ゴルゴンゾーラチーズ Gorgonzola cheese に掲載の記事・写真の無断転載を禁じます。すべての内容は日本の著作権法並びに国際条約により保護されています。
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Created  by Junpei Sugiyama



 Gorgonzola is blue-headed Italian cheese, made from cow’s milk. It can be buttery or firm, crumbly and quite salty, with a “bite” from its blue veining. It has been made since the early middle ages, but only became marled with greenish-blue mold in the eleventh century. It is frequently used in Italian cooking. The name comes from a small town near Milan, Italy where the cheese was first made.

 Gorgonzola is made in the regions of Piedmont and Lombardy from whole pasteurized cows milk to which is added the bacteria, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilus along with spores of the mold Penicillium glaucum. Recently Penicillium roqueforti has begun being used to make gorgonzola, besides its use in Roquefort cheese. After the whey is removed, into the cheese. This creates air channels which allows the mold rods are inserted into the cheese. This creates air channels which allows the mold spores to germinate and create the characteristic veining. Gorgonzola is typically aged for three to four months. The length of the aging process determines the consistency of the cheese. A firm gorgonzola is aged longer than creamy gorgonzola. It is usually sold wrapped in foil.

 It is usually eaten as a dessert cheese, but there are some local culinary specialities. It may be melted into a risotto in the final stage of cooking, for instance, another fairly traditional dish sees gorgonzola served alongside polenta. Because of its savoury flavor, it is often used by vegetarians as a topping on pizza.

 Within the European Union, gorgonzola has been given a protected designation of origin status. In Italy, gorgonzola is one of only three Italian cheeses that qualifies to be classified as doc (Denominazione di origine controllata), the other two being Toma and Mozzarella di Bufala Campana.

 Today by law the zone of production includes only a defined area. What was once the village of gorgonzola, not far from Milan, is being swallowed up in suburbia. Most gorgonzola is actually produced in Novara, but the doc zone also includes the provinces of Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Cremona, Cuneo, Milan, Pavia, and Vercelli, as well as the zone of Casale Monferrato.







Choose the correct answer.

1. The name gorgonzola comes from a small town near _______, Italy where the cheese was first made.

a: Rome

b: Milan

c: Parma

2.Gorgonzola is typically aged for _________ months.

a: four to five

b: five to six

c: three to four

3.Gorfonzola is usually sold wrapped in _______.

a: foil

b: wax

c: paper

4.Gorgonzola is usually eaten as a ________ cheese.

a: Hors d’oeuvres

b: dessert

c: side dish

5.Gorgonzola is a blue-headed Italian cheese, made from _______ milk.

a: goat’s

b: cow’s

c: sheep’s

GorgonzolaT or F

True or False Quiz

1.Gorgonzola was similar to a cheese called Panerone made in Lombardy.

or ?

2. Gorgonzola is an Italian sheep’s milk cheese named after a village that was once outside of Milan, but is now really a suburb of the city.

or ?

3. The length of the aging process determines the stickiness of Gorgonzola cheese.

or ?

4. Gorgonzola cheese is usually wrapped in wax to keep it moist.

or ?


Middle Ages:中世 Piedmont:ピエモンテ州 Lombardy:ロンバルディア州 

Penicillium glaucumPenicillium roqueforti:チーズを作る為のカビ whey:乳清 

Roquefort cheese:フランスのブルーチーズ risotto:リゾット(イタリアの米料理)  

Polenta:とうもろこしペースト European Union:欧州連合 Protected Designation of Origin:限定産地 

Toma:チーズ Mozzarella di Bufala Campana:モッツァレラチーズ suburbia:郊外 Novara(ノヴァーラ) 

Bergamo(ベルガモ), Brescia(ブレシア), Como(コモ), Cremona(クレモナ), Cuneo(クーネオ), Milan(ミラン),

Pavia(パヴィア), Vercelli(ヴェルチェッリ):イタリアの県名 

Casale Monferrato(キャサーレモンフェラート):イタリア都市名