Aoyama Gakuin College of Economics students entering from the work force Present

世界の料理 the world Food

12.わんこ蕎麦 [Wanko-Soba]




As the climate is cooler than in most other parts of Japan, buckwheat is grown throughout the prefecture, particularly in the north and centre.Buckwheat can be grown even where the climate and soil are not suitable for other crops; it is ready for harvesting in only about 75 days and has strong resistance to disease. Thus farmers in Iwate find buckwheat easier to grow than other crops.

Buckwheat can be prepared in a number of ways. The most common is slender soba noodles. Traditionally these noodles were served to guests on auspicious occasions. Another form of preparation is kakke, or triangular pieces of buckwheat dough.

An Iwate buckwheat specialty is Wanko Soba: a wanko is the bowl used for miso soup. The idea of Wanko Soba is to compete by eating as many bowls as possible. Waitresses, with lively shouts of encouragement, tip mouthfuls of noodles into eaters’bowls as quickly as they can empty them.



Choose the correct answer.

1. An Iwate buckwheat specialty is Wanko Soba.A wanko is the bowl used for _____________ .

a: miso soup

b: salad

c: candies

2. The idea of Wanko Soba is to compete by eating bowls of wanko as_____________ as possible.

a: slow

b: fast

c: many

3. You must eat ______________ one spoonful of soba at a time.

a: continuously

b: with intermission

c: for a while

4. Throw the _______________ away into the bowl placed in front of you .You cannot eat much if you drink the soup too .

a: soba

b: soup

c: vegetables

5. _______________ cups of Wanko Soba is equal amount of an ordinary full bowl of Soba .

a: 15

b: 30

c: 3 に掲載の記事・写真の無断転載を禁じます。すべての内容は日本の著作権法並びに国際条約により保護されています。
Copyright 2006 All rights reserved. No reproduction or republication without written permission.

Created  by Toshio Takahashi

わんこそば T or F

True or False Quiz

1. The idea of Wanko Soba is to compete by eating as many bowls as possible. 

or ?

2. You must eat in fifteen minutes one spoonful of soba at a time.

or ?

3. You cannot put the lid on if there is still some soba left to eat.

or ?

You MUST wear a special apron and take a seat on the tatami mat and sit at a low table.


Side dishes of food will be served and the GAME is started.


You must eat continuously - one spoomful of soba at a time.


Throw the soup away into the bowl placed in front of you. You eannot eat much if you drink the soup too.


You can eat side-dish food too but don't eat too much or you can't eat a lot of soba


They won't stop serving you -even if you say "MAITTA" (enough) YOU MUST put the lid on the bowl or cup when you want to stop.
You cannot put the lid on if there is still some soba left to eat.


Soba-soup or tea will be served and the GAME IS OVER! How many cups did you eat ??? 25 - 50 - 100 ??? More?          Thank you.

Are you ready? Its only a mouthful. You can eat it plain as it is tasty. I will serve you one after the other.

The special apron


Throw the soup away here.


Choose your favorite side-dishes. You can eat more if you don't chew soba. Just swallow it.




You cannot STOP until you have put on this lid. They will keep serving you even when you say. "I'M FULL. I can't eat anymore".









    Wanko Soba  わんこそば  tatami mat  畳  climate  気候 


    buckwheat  そば  bowl  椀  soil  土


    Crop  作物  lid  ふた


15 cups of Wanko-Soba is equal amount of an ordinary full bowl of Soba .


You can buy an apron for 1,200 Yen .