The Acropolis of Athens

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Acropolis, Athens

Inscribed :1987 Criteria: C (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (vi)

Brief description:
Illustrating the civilizations, myths and religions that flourished in Greece over a period of more than 1,000 years, the Acropolis, the site of four of the greatest masterpieces of classical Greek art ・the Parthenon, the Propylaea, the Erechtheum and the Temple of Athena Nike ・can be seen as symbolizing the idea of world heritage.


<Reading passage>

The most important monuments on the Acropolis are

The Parthenon. _It is the most important and characteristic monument of the ancient Greek civilization and still remains its international symbol. It was dedicated to Athena Parthenos, the patron goddess of Athens._ It was built between 447 and 438 B.C. and its sculptural decoration was completed in 432 B.C. The construction of the monument was initiated by Perikles, the supervisor of the whole work was Pheidias, the famous Athenian sculptor, while Iktinos and Kallikrates were the architects of the building. _The temple is built in the Doric order and almost exclusively of Pentelic marble. It is peripteral, with eight columns on each of the narrow sides and seventeen columns on each of the long ones. The central part of the temple, called the cella, sheltered the famous chryselephantine cult statue of Athena, made by Pheidias.
The sculptural decoration of the Parthenon is a unique combination of the Doric metopes and triglyphs on the entablature, and the Ionic frieze on the walls of the cella. The metopes depict the Gigantomachy on the east side, the Amazonomachy on the west, the Centauromachy on the south, and scenes from the Trojan War on the north.
The relief frieze depicts the Procession of the Panathenaea, the most formal religious festival of ancient Athens. The scene runs along all the four sides _(  ) the building and includes the figures of gods, beasts and of some 360 humans.
The two pediments of the temple are decorated _(  ) mythological scenes: the east, above the building's main entrance, shows the birth of Athena, and the west, the fight between Athena and Poseidon for the name of the city of Athens.


1.characteristic「独特の、特質ある」 dedicate to「ささげた」 3.sculptural「彫刻の」 4. Perikles「全盛期のアテナイを支配した将軍。」 5. Pheidias「古代ギリシアの彫刻家」 5. Doric order 「ドリス式」 6. Pentelic 「山の名前」 7. peripteral「建物の名前」 8. metopes 「建物の名前」 9.Trojan War「トロイア戦争」 10. procession「行列、行進」 11. figure「人物像」 12.pediment「ペディメント(建築)」 13. mythological「神話学」 14.entrance「入り口」


The Acropolis of Athens



Area : 131,990 km2 

Population : 10,940,000(as of 2001)

Capital : Athens

Languages : The official language is Greek (spoken by 99% of the population).
_ The most commonly used foreign language is English.
_ Most of Greek people dealing with tourism also speak some
   French, German or Italian.

Religion : Greek Orthodox

Currency : Euro (EUR) (since 1/1/2002)

Former currency: drachma (GRD) (1 euro=340.75 grd)


日本からギリシャまでの直通の飛行機は出ていないため、ヨーロッパ経由で行くしかない。アジアの国を経由して行くとさらに時間が掛かるため、ヨーロッパ経由で行くと良い。メトロのライン2(市の中心部から郊外に走る鉄道で、ライン1(緑)、ライン2(赤)、ライン3(青)の3路線を運行しています。地下鉄が地下を走るのは市の中心部だけで、郊外は地上を走っています。) の『Acropoli』下車。



Useful English conversation

バスの停留所は何処ですか?     Where is the bus stop?

何処で乗り換えますか?         Where do I transfer?

何処で切符を買えば良いですか?   Where do I buy a ticket?


Greek National Tourism Organization


by Yohei Suda , Aoyamagakuin College of Economics