Bath - learning > World Heritages > Bath


Description Quiz

T/F Quiz

Multiple Choice Quiz

今回自分がこのCity of Bath(バース市街)を選んだ理由としては、 2006年の夏にBath観光に 行ったからというのが一番の理由です。 ローマ時代に温泉地として使われていたものが、 今では現代の建物と融合しながらも、当時の面影や様式を崩すことなく、 そのままの姿であり続けるこのBathという街に深い感銘を覚えました。 世界遺産には保存状態のよくないものも多々あるなかで、 このBathという街の保存状態はとても良く、 とてもローマ時代からあるとは思えません。 時代を越えて古き街に新しい文化を根付かせてきた街の歴史に触れることができます。
青山学院大学 田口弘憲

1. 誰がBathを支配したか
2. 誰がBathを再発見したか

Bath, United Kingdom

Bathは1987年にユネスコ(UNESCO)の世界遺産(World Heritage)に登録された。
(2)ある期間を通じて、または、ある文化圏において、 建築、技術、記念碑的芸術、都市計画、景観デザインの発展に関し、 人類の価値の重要な交流を示すもの

Brief description:
Founded by the Romans as a thermal spa, Bath became an important centre of the wool industry in the Middle Ages. In the 18th century, under George III, it developed into an elegant town with neoclassical Palladian buildings, which blend harmoniously with the Roman baths.

Reading Passage

The first shrine at the site of the springs was built by Celts, and dedicated to the goddess Sulis, whom the Romans identified with Minerva; however, the name Sulis continued to be used after the Roman invasion, leading to the town's Roman name of Aquae Sulis (literally, "the waters of Sulis"). During the Roman (a)occupy of Britain increasingly grand temples and bathing complexes were built, but after the Roman withdrawal these fell into disrepair and were eventually lost due to silting up. The Bath complex was rediscovered in the 18th century and, as well as being a major archaeological find, it has become one of the city's main attractions. (1)The water is now considered unsafe for bathing, due to its having passed through the still-functioning lead pipes constructed by the Romans. The Thermae Bath Spa (nearby) allows modern-day bathers to experience the waters for themselves.


 Roman Baths Museum
Visit the heart of the World Heritage Site.Around Britain's only hot spring, the Romans built a magnificent temple and bathing complex that still flows with natural hot water. See the water's source and walk where Romans walked on the ancient stone pavements. The extensive ruins and treasures from the spring are beautifully preserved and presented using the best of modern interpretation.

Royal Crescent
(2)The Royal Crescent is an exclusive residential road of 30 houses, laid out in a crescent, in the city of Bath, England. It was designed by the architect John Wood the Younger and built between 1767 and 1774. It is among the greatest examples of Georgian architecture to be found in the United Kingdom. The houses in the Crescent are a mixture of tenures--- most are privately owned but a substantial minority of the property is owned by a housing association. This must be some of England’s most exclusive social housing. Many of the houses in the crescent have been split up into flats.

The Jane Austen Centre
Celebrating Bath’s most famous resident, The Jane Austen Centre offers a snapshot of life during Regency times and explores how living in this magnificent city affected Jane Austen’s life and writing. ‘Live’ Guides, costume, film, superb giftshop and an authentic period atmosphere await you at this premier attraction. Don't forget to visit our Regency themed Tea Rooms. Enjoy a pot of real leaf tea, some home made cake or a delicious light snack. The Tea Rooms have splendid rooftop views over the city.

Situation and Transport
Bath is approximately 25 kilometres (15 miles) south-east of the larger city and port of Bristol, to which it is linked by the A4 road, and is a similar distance south of the M4 motorway. Its main railway station, Bath Spa, lies on the Great Western Railway, the main line between Bristol and London, as well as the line linking Cardiff with Portsmouth.

Bathの地名が、英語のbath(風呂)の語源となったというのは俗説で、 正しくは風呂を意味するゲルマン古語からその名がつけられたというのが事実です。





George III

Georgian architecture

Jane Austen

Web Sites
VISIT Britain 英国政府観光庁
Bath from wikipedia
United Kingdom from wikipedia > World Heritages > Bath

by Hironori Taguchi, Aoyama Gakuin College of Economics

© 2007