Works of Aontoni Gaudi Works of Aontoni Gaudi - learning > World Heritages > Antoni Gaudi


Description Quiz

T/F Quiz

Multiple Choice Quiz

 この課題で何をやろうかと迷っていたときに、ふと手にした本がガウディ作品の写真集でした。 作品のスケールの大きさや、一つ一つの細かいところまで計算された建築物に魅了しました。また、現代の 私が見ても”古い”とは感じさせない作品に興味を持ちました。 これも何かの縁だと思い,今回「アントニオ・ガウディの作品集《に取り組みました。サグラダ・ファミリア(聖家族教会)や、グエル公園など 少しでも、ガウディの作品の良いところを紹介できればと思っています。 青山学院 経済学科 経済学部 新関沙織

Pre-reading Questions:
1. What country is Spain in?
2. The name of sea where it faced Barcelona?

Works of Antoni Gaudi

Inscribed :1984,2005 Criteria: C (i)(ii)(iv)

Brief description:
Seven properties built by the architect Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926) in or near Barcelona testify to Gaudí’s exceptional creative contribution to the development of architecture and building technology in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.(1)____, Palacio Büell, (2)_____, Casa Vicens, Gaudí’s work on the Nativity façade and Crypt of the Sagrada Familia cathedral, (3)_____, and the Crypt in Colonia Güell represent an eclectic, as well as a very personal, style which was given free reign in the design of gardens, sculpture and all decorative arts, as well as architecture.
(Gaudi Foundation)

Reading Passage
Gaudí was born in Baix Camp, in the area of Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain) in 1852. (While many believe his birthplace to be the town of Reus, others claim it was in fact Riudoms.) It is certain that he was baptized in Reus a day after his birth. The artist's parents, Francesc Gaudí Serra and Antònia Cornet Bertran, both came from families of metalsmiths.


    Gaudí's first works were designed in the style of gothic and traditional Spanish architectural modes, but he soon developed his own distinct sculptural style. French architect Eugene Viollet-le-Duc, who promoted an evolved form of gothic architecture, proved a major influence on Gaudí. But the student surpassed the master architect and contrived highly original designs – irregular and fantastically intricate. Some of his greatest works, most notably La Sagrada Família, have an almost hallucinatory power.

Artistic Style He integrated the parabolic arch and hyperboloid structures, nature's organic shapes, and the fluidity of water into his architecture. While designing buildings, he observed the forces of gravity and related catenary principles. (Gaudí designed many of his arches upside down by hanging various weights on interconnected strings, using gravity to calculate catenaries for a natural curved arch.)

On June 8, 1926, Antoni Gaudí was run over by a tram. Because of his ragged attire and empty pockets, multiple cab drivers refused to pick him up for fear that he would be unable to pay the fare.He died two days later on June 10, 1926, half of Barcelona mourning his death. It was, perhaps, fitting that he was buried in the midst of his unfinished masterpiece, La Sagrada Família. 1878–1879: Lampposts for the Plaça Real at Barcelona 1878: Showcase for glove manufacturer Comella. Via this work, used    at the World's Fair in Paris, Eusebi Güell came to know the architect. 1883–1885: Casa Vicens 1884–1891: Completion of the crypt of the Sagrada Familia   (the crypt had been started by the architect Francisco del Villar in 1882,   who had to abandon the project in 1883); 1886–1889: Palau Güell

wikipedia Gaudi
UNESCO World Heritage Center

Tips etc.
サグラダ・ファミリアは、教会として有吊ですがガウディは教会としての役割と 教会全体を楽器として使えるように設計しました。生誕の門は巨大ピアノ、受難の 門はパイプオルガン、栄光の門は打楽器系の楽器として建設されました。この壮大な ガウディの計画を生きているうちに体験できたらなと思います。私はPCが苦手で、 今回苦労しましたが、この課題をやったからこそ新しい発見ができました。大変な 思いをしましたがこの授業を楽しめたのでよかったです。



Hyperboloid structure

Catenary principle

World Heritage

Web Sites
ガイディの遺産 > World Heritages > Works of Antoni Gaudi

by Setsuko Watanabe, Aoyama Gakuin College of Economics

© 2007