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www.shejapan.com > World Heritages > Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and its Cultural Landscape.


Description Quiz

T/F Quiz

Trivia Quiz


 日本で最も新しい世界遺産であり、安土桃山時代、江戸時代と多くの人々がこの石見銀山から生まれてくる銀を求めて戦った事や、石見銀山から生まれる銀の量は17世紀前半の世界産出量の約3分の1を占めていたと言う事を知り興味を持ちました。そして島根県大田市には今でも石見銀山を守るために作られた城や商人の家等が残っており、石見銀山だけではなくその周辺の城や町並みが世界遺産に認定された事を知り、より深く調べてみたいと思うようになりました。        赤井義人

Pre-reading Questions:

1. What country is Iwami Ginzan in?

Brief description:

The Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine, south-west of Honshu Island, is a cluster of mountains, rising to 600 metres and interspersed by deep river valleys featuring the archaeological remains of large-scale mines, smelting and refining sites and mining settlements worked between the 16th and 20th centuries. The site also features transportation routes used to transport silver ore to the coast, and port towns from where it was shipped to Korea and China. The high quality of the silver resulting from the use of advanced techniques, and the quantity of silver mined, contributed substantially to the overall economic development of Japan and southeast Asia in the 16th and 17th centuries, and prompted the mass production of silver and gold in Japan. The mining area is now heavily wooded. Included in the site are fortresses, shrines, parts of Kaido transportation routes to the coast and three port towns, Tomogaura, Okidomari and Yunotsu, from where the ore was shipped.

Reading Passage

Mine history

It was developed in 1526 by Kamiya Jutei a Japanese merchant. It reached its peak production of 38 tons in the early 17th century of approximately 38 tons of silver a year which was then a third of world production. Silver from the mine was used widely for coins. It was contested fiercely by warlords until the Tokugawa Shogunate won control of it in 1600 as a result of the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600. It was later secured by fences and barricaded by pine trees. Yamabuki Castle was built in the centre of the complex. Silver production from the mine fell in the nineteenth century as it had trouble competing with mines elsewhere and it was eventually closed.

The property extends to 442 ha and the buffer zone 3,221 ha.






Tips etc.今回のレポートはパソコンの苦手な僕にとっては非常に難しいかったですが、様々なサイトを通して得られるものも多く、勉強になりました。 また、この授業を通して他の生徒や先輩のサイトを見る事も多く、また、そこからまだ私が知らない世界遺産について学ぶ事ができいい刺激になりました。そして、できればこれから石見銀山を含め、様々な世界遺産に行ってみたいと思っています。



































Yunotsu (温泉津)
















Kamiya Juteit

Yamabuki Castle


Web Sites

wikipedia - iwami ginnzann


www.shejapan.com > World Heritages > Iwami Ginzan

by Yoshihito Akai, Aoyama Gakuin College of Economics

© 2008 SHEJapan.com