Jiuzhaigou Valley
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青山学院大学 経済学部経済学科 岡 佑美   

Jiuzhaigou Valley , China

Inscribed :1992 Criteria: (vii)

Brief description:
Stretching over 72,000 ha in the northern part of Sichuan Province, the jagged Jiuzhaigou valley reaches a height of more than 4,800 m, thus comprising a series of diverse forest ecosystems. Its superb landscapes are particularly interesting for their series of narrow conic karst land forms and spectacular waterfalls. Some 140 bird species also inhabit the valley, as well as a number of endangered plant and animal species, including the giant panda and the Sichuan takin.

Reading Passage
  It is said that if there should be wonderlands on the earth, Jiuzhaigou Valley must be one of them. There is no equal elsewhere that has sceneries and fables of dreamlike eloquence, or natural purities like a fairyland as Jiuzhaigou Valley. Legend has it; that long, long ago the deity of mountain named Dago had a crush on the goddess Semo, and he gave a mirror that was made from wind and cloud to the goddess. However, the devil appeared and made trouble to Semo. Inadvertently, Semo broke the mirror into 108 pieces, which fell down to the earth and then turned to 108 colorful lakes.


Jiuzhaigou Valley is located in Nanping County, 450 kilometers to the north of Chengdu City. Its name is due to the existence of nine stockaded villages of Tibetan origin. Jiuzhaigou Valley is a great masterpiece of nature having dreamlike scenery and abundant natural resources. It combines lakes, waterfalls, verdant forests, snow-covered mountains, and the folk customs of the Tibetan peoples. Shuzheng Valley is a main tourist route of Jiuzhaigou Valley. It is about 14 kilometers (about nine miles) in length with over 40 lakes, representing 40% of all the lakes in Jiuzhaigou. The major scenic spots in Shuzheng Valley are Double-Dragon Lake, Bonsai Beach, Reed Lake, Spark Lake, Tiger Lake, Shuzheng Waterfall, Rhinoceros Lake, and Nuorilang Waterfall, etc..

 Nuorilang Waterfall is 32 meters wide and 25 meters tall, and it is the widest waterfall in Jiuzhaigou Valley. Nuorilang means 'grand and magnificent' in Tibetan. The top of the waterfall is very flat. When the sun shines in the morning, flowery rainbows can be seen in the sky, which make the waterfall more charming and splendid. The pride of Jiuzhaigou Valley, Five-Flower Lake is 2,472 meters above the sea level and five meters in depth. Most of the colorful leaves are gathered in the lakefront . The water that contains calcium carbonate as well as hydrophytes with different colors presents a varicolored sight, so it is named Five-Flower Lake. The local people say that it is a holy lake. .

 In addition to the dreamlike sceneries, there are numerous flora and fauna in Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area. The natural forest covers an area of nearly 30,000 hectares, including 2,576 higher plant species and over 400 lower plant species. The diversity of flora has provided a good environment for wild animals. About 52% area of Jiuzhaigou Valley is covered by virgin forest and the forest at the top of Rize Valley is part of it. Seeing the luxuriantly green trees, walking on thick and soft lichens, smelling the fragrant and moist air, and listening to the sound of wind and bird- song you will find that you are coming into a new isolated world. . http://www.travelchinaguide.com/attraction/sichuan/jiuzhaigou/page1.htm


九塞溝が世界遺産に登録された同じ年にこの黄龍も世界遺産に登録されました。場所が九塞溝と近い ため、一回の旅でこれら二つの世界遺産を楽しむことができます。  そこで少しだけ黄龍も紹介したいと思います。こちらも九塞溝に負けず、とてもきれいです。

黄龍は、四川省の東北部に位置し、玉翠峯の山麓の湖沼群です。石灰岩の層が地面の傾斜にそって棚田のように連なり、そこに水がたまっ て湖沼群を形成しているのです。3400もの湖沼が連なる姿は、まるで龍のウロコのように見えます。周囲にはジャイアント・パンダや キンシコウといった絶滅に瀕した動物たちも生息しています。

龍のウロコは石灰岩をたっぷり含んだ山の水が、落ち葉や小枝を固めていき、長い年月を経て池の堤が造られるのです。黄龍でも最も不思 議なのが五彩池で、場所と時間によって、緑、黄、青、白、黒など水面がさまざまな色に変化するのです。五彩池のほとりにある黄龍寺に は黄龍の神様、黄龍真人様が祭られ、人々の信仰を集めています。寺の真下にある黄龍洞の水は、どんな病にも効く「天が授けた神の水」 と言われています。



Sichuan Province



ice-free port

make trouble


natural resources


calcium carbonate


flora and fauna
Web Sites

UNESCO world heritage
Travel China Guide
Jiuzhaigou Valley
Jiuzhaigou Valley Area
trave-in-china.net (picture)

www.shejapan.com > World Heritages > Jiuzhaigou Valley

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