Historic Centre of the City of Pienza
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今回Pienzaを取り上げた理由としては、以前からPienzaという街の吊前は聞いたことがありましたが、この授業で調べるまでは、どんな街なのか、何が有吊なのかなどのPienzaに関する知識が全くありませんでした。けれども、調べていくうちにPienzaの街全体がとても魅力的で独特の雰囲気を醸し出しており、ぜひ一度足を運んでみたいと思わせてくれたからです。街自体はとても小さく、実際にPienzaに旅行されている方々の感想でも街を全て歩き回っても1時間程しかかからないそうです。しかし、そのような街だからこそ誰でもPienzaの街全体の雰囲気などを肌で感じることが出来るのだと思います。        経済学部3年B組4番  荒木淳 

Pre-reading Questions:
1. What country is Pienza in?
2. How did Pienza become such a historical city?

Historic Centre of the City of Pienza, Italy

Inscribed :1996 Criteria: (ⅰ) (ⅱ) (ⅳ)

Brief description:
It was in this Tuscan town that renaissance town-planning concepts were first put into practice after Pope Pius Ⅱ decided , in 1459 , to transform the look of his birth place. He chose the architect Bernardo Rossellino , who applied the principals of his mentor , Leon Battista Albarti. This new vision of urban space was realized in the superb square known as Piazza Pio Ⅱ and the buildings around it : the Piccolomini Palace , the Borgia Palace and the cathedral with its pure Renaissance exterior and an interior in the late Gothic style of south German churches.
Comune di Pienza (Only in Italian)

Reading Passage
Pienza , a small town near Siena , is a rare example of Renaissance town building. Defind , from time to time , the "ideal city" , the "utopian city" , it represents one of the best planned Renaissance towns , where a model of ideal living and governing was realized thus working out the idea of a town able to satisfy the need for a pacific , civil and hardworking living. It represented the so called utopia of thevainly cherished by people for centuries. Pienza has a present two museums , a third one into being. Its location in the middle of Val d’Orcia , a wonderful and untouched valley , enable the town to perfectly embody the basic interest which the humanistic architecture gave to the relationship man – nature.


   Nowadays Pienza is part of a territorial system called "Parco artistico , naturale e culturale della Val d’Orcia " , which aims at preservation of the extraordinary artistic heritage of the five boroughs which constitute it : Castiglion d’Orcia , Montalcino , San Quirico d’Orcia , Radicofani and Pienza. The center of Pienza was completely redesigned by Pope PiusⅡ in Renaissance times.

(1)He planned to transform his birthplace into a model Renaissance town.
The architect Bernardo Rossellino was
to build a Duomo , papal palace and town hall , the construction ware completed in three years.

The Duomo was built by the architect Rossellino (1459) and is now suffering from serious subsidence at its eastern end. There were cracks in the walls and floor of the nave , but the splendid classical proportions are remained incract. It is flooded with light from the vast strained glass windows request by PiudⅡ ; he wanted a domus vitrea (literally "a house of glass") , which would symbolize the spirits of intellectual enlightenment of the Humanist age.

"Palazzo Piccolomini"

(2)The palazzo is next door to the Duomo and was home to PiusⅡ’s descendants until 1968.
Rossellino‘s design for the building was influenced by Leon Battista Alberti’s Palazzo Rucellai in Florence. The apartments open to the public include PiusⅡ‘s bedroom and library. At the rear of the palazzo there is an ornate arcaded courtyard and a triple-tiered loggia looking out on the garden. From here there are spectacular views across to the wooded slopes of the Monte Amiata.

"Pieve di Corsignano"
Pope PiusⅡ was baptized in this 11 th century Romanesque parish church on the outskirts of Pienza. It has an unusual round tower and a doorway decorated with flower mythological motifs. A crib is sculptured on the architrave of the side doorway.

ピエンツァは、シエナの南、モンテプルチャ―ノとサン・クイリコ・ドルチアの間、トスカーナの雄大なパノラマを見晴らせる小高い丘の頂上に建てられた小さな街です。丘の上に建設された小さな街ということでは周辺の他の街と変わりませんが、ピエンツァが大きく異なる点は、この街がローマ教皇ピウス二世の命によってルネサンス期に新しく誕生した「理想郷《であるという点です。 Parco artistico , naturale e culturare della Val d’Orcia.(ヴァル・ドルチャ美術・自然・文化公園)



Val d’Orcia


Castiglion d’Orcia


San Quirico d’Orcia






Palazzo Piccolomini

Palazzo Rucellai


Pieve di Corsignano
Web Sites

Villas in Toscana

www.shejapan.com > World Heritages > Historic Centre of the City of Pienza

by Jun Araki

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