Piazza del Duomo,Pisa - Trivia Quiz

Choose the correct answer.

1. Italy is ______________.

a) bigger than Japan.

b) nearly as big as Japan.

c) smaller than Japan.

2. The capital of Italy is ______________.

a) Venice

b) Milan

c) Rome

3.Italy's population is ______________ Japan.

a) about the half of

b) about two times larger than

c) about the same as

4.In what area of the country is the tower located?

a) Toscana

b) Umbria

c) Lazio

5. As going to the top, the diameter of the tower becomes QQQQ.

a)  wider

b) stays the same

c) shorter

6. On the top of the tower there is a sculpture of QQQQQ with a child.

a) Madonna (Maria)

b) Jesus

c) Petro

8. You can tell from the passage that

a) the religious background of the tower is Christianity.

b) the religious background of the tower is Jewish.

c) the religious background of the tower is Muslim.


Created by by Shunsuke Fujiya, Aoyama Gakuin College of Economics

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