Segovia - learning > World Heritages >Old Town of Segovia and its Aqueduct


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Multiple Choice Quiz

セゴビアのローマ水道橋を選んだのは、 世界遺産「セゴビアの旧市街とその水道橋」を調べるにあたり、 その背景やこれまでの歴史を調べることが、世界遺産そのものを調べることになると考えたからです。 また、文明や歴史に興味を持つ僕にとって、この世界遺産について調べることは、 ローマについて調べることと同じでした。  ふたつの建築物について調べました。それは、セゴビア城とローマ水道橋です。 特にローマ水道橋について取り上げることで、時代を飛躍した説明ができるように心がけました。

2006. 1 青山学院大学  廣田 剛                       

Pre-reading Questions:
1.What country is Segovia in ?                            2. When did they probably built The Roman aqueduct of Segovia ?

Old Town of Segovia and its Aqueduct

Inscribed :1985 Criteria: C (iii)

Brief description:
The Roman aqueduct of segovia, probably built c .A.D50,is remarkably well preserved. This impressive construction,with its two tiers of arches,forms part of the setting of the magnificient historic city of Segovia.Other important monuments include the Alca'zar, begun around the 11th century gothic cathedral.
World Heritage Site

Reading Passage
Segovia has a magnificent aqeduct and is a symbol of the city. It is the finest example of its epoch and style of those still in exsistence. It guards the entrance gate to the historic quarter of Segovia. The Aqueduct of Segovia has described as being one of the most beautiful in the Roman world. Built in order to bring water from the river Acebeda to the city,it is a magnificient work of engineering that is still in excellent condition.It has excess of 20,000 stone blocks ,that are neither cemented nor stuck together by any substance,and they remain as a solid perfect block up until this day.

Segovia also has other important treasures from different ages,such as several precious Romanesque churches,a large Gothic cathedral and the splendid Alca'zar.

Alca'zar of Segovia was a Moorlish fortress that has incorporated elements from diverse epoch but may be more recognized as the sourse of inspiration to Walt Disney.It was built on top of a rock that is treatment to its military status. The edifice has a number of secret passageways that lead to the river and connect several of the city's palaces together.The Murallas or walls of Segovia come from Alca'zar. They surrounded Segovia during the medieval period. The door of San Andress between the two robust towers is conserved along with the doors of San Cebrian and Santiago. Originally it had two more doors that are now no longer there./P>

The Cathedral, also known as the "the lady of cathedrals" It is one of the last gothic buildings to be constructed in Spain. It has been built at the highest point of the town , after the fire in the old Romanesque cathedral. The main reredos is made of marble, jasper and bronze. It was consecrated in the year 1768. The cathedral Museum offers us a large collection of religious art from various periods of history. Visitors should also take the oppotunity to see the Church of San Martin, having one of the most beautiful Romanesque atriums in all of Segovia that surrounds the church on three of its sides. Equally impressive is the Church of La Trindad;a Romanesque temple containing a fortfied gallary.

Tips etc.ローマ人による水道橋の特徴
1石造りであったこと 2タイコ橋のように上っては下る橋ではなく、水平にかけられた橋であったこと 3橋であろうと街道の延長線上に建設されたこと                            
1なぜ石造りの橋であったか?                          ローマ時代には鉄鋼はあったが、鉄はなかった。鉄鋼を製造するのに必要な何千度という高熱の火力を出すのに 必要な動力の問題画解決されていなかったために、ローマ人が出せた程度の火力で製造可能な鉄では対重力が不十分であったこと。                                 2なぜ地下道ではなく高架水道橋を築く必要があったのか?          ローマのエンジニアたちは、落下する力で押し上げるというサイフォンの原理は知っていたが、その機械化までは発明していなかった。






World Heritage


Web Sites

spanish living
Walled Town
Visit Segovia > World Heritages > Bergen

by Go Hirota, Aoyama Gakuin University of Economics

© 2006