Harlem Quiz

Choose the correct answer.

1. Harlen is located in ______________ of Manhattan Island.

a) Southern part

b) East end

c) Northern part

2. _____________ people named the area eHarlemf after the city in their country.

a) German

b) English

c) Dutch

3. In 1920fs, the big explosion of literature called ______________ happened in Harlem.

a) Harlem shock

b) Harlem Renaissance

c) Harlem Boom

4. In 1950fs, problems of housing and population were caused because of immigrants from Puerto Rico. The area is now called ______________.

a) Mini-Puerto Rico

b) Puerto Rican Harlem

c) Spanish Harlem

5. In 1960fs, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were fighting for ______________.

a) the right of black people

b) the right to use the public bus

c) the right of Harlem

6. During the great depression, Harlem became the area of ______________.

a) social ills

b) ‚„iscrimination protest campaign

c) refugee camp

7. Harlem is described as the ______________ now.

a) world famous place for opera

b) center of the black culture

c) ‚–aluable@area of Natural resources

8. The first owner of the Cotton Club, a famous jazz bar in Harlem was ______________.

a) a musician

b) a writer

c) a boxer

9. There is a ______________ company only for black (and colored) people in harlem.

a) Ballet

b) Wrestling

c) Banking

10. Former President ______________ has his office in Harlem.

a) Geoege Herberr Walker Bush

b) William Jefferson Clinton

c) Jimmy Carter

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