
Mie prefecture quizes

Choose the correct answer.

1. QQQQ-mura (Udono Village) in Minami Muro Gun (South Muro County) is the smallest village in Japan only 2.88sqkm.

a) sugisawa

b) kamikuissiki

c) Udono

2. Name of 'Mie' originated from QQQQQQ .

a) Fudoki

b) Nihonnsyoki

c) Kojiki

3 QQQQ 18th is a Mie Peoples' Day.

a) April

b) Novemver

c) September

4. Total population of Mie prefecture is _____________.

a) 1,888,546

b) 2,010,223

c) 1,857,839

5. The area of Mie prefecture is QQQQsqkm.

a) 4200

b) 6210

c) 5776

6 Mie's Population Density is QQQQpersons per sqkm.

a) 319

b) 411

c) 578

7. QQQ trees can grow in most parts of Mie prefecture.

a) grape

b) apple

c) citrus

8. Arguably Mie's No.1 famous local product is ______________ .

a) paper

b) wine

c) Matusaka beef

9. Mie is Japan's No.1 producer of QQQQQ.

a) green seaweed

b) carrot

c) tomato

10. The QQQ coast (sawtooth coastline) of the Shima Peninsula is known as not only the best in Japan but is also world-famous.

a) Ise

b) Mie

c) Rias

Mie Prefecture

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Created by Akira Namioka , Aoyamagakuin College of Economics

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