Romania in textbook

Choose the correct answer.

1. Romania is surrounded by ( ) to the east.

1. the Dead Sea

2. the Black Sea

3. the Mediterranean She

2. Mamaliga is often eaten instead of ( ).

1. bread

2. rice

3. macaroni

3. In summertime, Romanians use pickled ( ).

1. orange leaves

2. lemon leaves

3. grape leaves

4. Every home has a big wooden barrel of about 200-300kg of pickled ( ).

1. lettuce

2. cabbage

3. carrot

5. You can find variations of Sarmale in countries like Hungary, Greece and ( ).

1. the Czech Republic

2. Portugal

3. Turkey

6. Romania is a ( ) country.

1. continental

2. island

3. floating island

7. Moldova is an area in the ( ) part of Romania.

1. southern

2. western

3. northern

8. The most popular ( ) in Romania is called Sarmale.

1. sports

2. dish

3. area

9. Romanian pride themselves on being the only ( ) country in the region.

1. European

2. Asian

3. Latin

10. Many say that the smaller the sarmale, the better the cook the ( ) is.

1. man

2. woman

3. old people

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Created by Takahiro Tajima