
˜About Nanakusa

Everybody knew the word nanakusa (the seven herbs), but how many can tell all the names of nanakusa ?
The only thing we know about nanakusa is nanakusagayu.
So we decided to study what nanakusa is. We learned there are also nanakusa of autumn and each herb has it own medical effect on our health. We also learned there is a poem on nanakusa in Manyush(A Collection of 10,000 Verses) as old as in the 8th century.
We are very much impressed with the wisdom of the ancient people who discovered the effects of these plants and has been delivering the wisdom to younger generation through the traditional events as nanakusagayu in spring, flower viewing in autumn and poems or songs. It is interesting to find out from the old poem that the ancient people called kikyou (Chinese blood bellflower) asagao (morning glory)., and susuki (Eulalia) obana (male flower).

Kanako Tsunoda, Shiho Wakiya, Michiko Sato, Kayo Nakajima

early spring, autumn

[the seven spring herbs]@@young seedlings used for food

[the seven autumn flowers]@@decorative plants

The origin

based on ancient Chinese customs

Origin of nanakusa-gayu

When the people used to pull up young pine trees(komatsu ) on nenohi (the day of the rat in early January, they also picked wild grasses and made hot soup.)

Nenohi is sometimes called nanakusa.

In the Heian period (794`1192A.D.), nanakusa-gayu was served on the morning of January 7 as an imperial palace ceremony.

Even now nanakusa-gayu is served on January 7.

# Refer to Japanese Calendar and Zodiacs

Nanakusa-gayu [seven herbs rice gruel ]

Rice gruel cooked with the seven herbs of spring -seri, nazuna, gogy, hakobe, hotokenoza, suzuna, suzushiro.
Traditionally it is cooked on January 7, due to the belief that these herbs will remove evil from the body and prevent illness.

Why we should eat 'nanakusa-gayu'

To prevent all kinds of diseases, and drive evil away.

On New Year's Day we tend to eat and drink too much, which upsets our stomachs.
So after the feasts of the New Year, eating light healthy gruel with lot of vitamins is good for us.

To gain new vitality.

๔๔ The song of "the seven spring herbs" ๔๔
iharu no nanakusa no utaj

Se/ri/@Na/zu/na5 Go
Go/gyo/u/@Ha/ko/be/ra7 Shichi
Ho/to/ke/no/za5 Go
Su/zu/na/@Su/zu/shi/ro7 Shichi
Ko/re/zo/@Na/na/ku/sa7 Shichi

by Kigin Kitamura

– This is a type of Japanese poem with 31 syllables called tanka It's a traditional Japanese poem, formed in this order : 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 7 syllables.

Kigin Kitamura@(1624`1705A.D.j
A poet and a scholar of the Edo period i1603`1867A.D.j
Most famous work : Kogetsush, which analyzes 'Genji Monogatari'

๔๔ The song of "The seven autumn flowers" ๔๔
iaki no nanakusa no utaj


Akinononi 5 Go
Sakitaruhanao 7 Shichi
oyobiori 5 Go
@i= means to count one's finger)
7 Shichi
Nanakusanohana 7 Shichi


Haginohana@ 5 Go
Obanakuzubana 7 Shichi
Nadeshikonohana@ 7 Shichi
Ominaesi@ 5 Go
Matafujibakama@ 7 Shichi
Asagaonohana@ 7 Shichi

by Okura Yamanoue-no@

–The orange parts are rhymes.@

Okura Yamanoue-no@ i710`733HA.D.j
A poet of the Nara period (710`794A.D.)
75 works are compiled in his 'Man|ysh'
m11- chka, 63- tanka, 1-sedoukan
Most famous work : Hinky|monka

It's in the style of waka formed in this orderF5 syllables, 7 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 7 syllables.
Originally it means 'meguru'mrotationn. The first half is a question, the second half is a reply.

bThe Seven Spring Herbs bThe Seven Autumn Flowersb