Japanese Page

When Nichiren was born, three mysterious phenomena occurred. A spring welled up from the garden and the water was used to bathe newborn babies for the first time (Tanjosui). At the same time, lotus flowers bloomed on the beach (Renge ga fuchi), and many sea bream (tai) gathered together below the surface ofthe sea (Tainoura).

Every year on November 12, Oeshiki is held at Tanjo-ji. Oeshiki is a Buddhist service to remember the virtue of Nichiren and thank him. The date of Oeshiki differs for each temple. The Oeshiki of Tanjo-ji is called Nanatsugo-mairi." This date is as same as Shichigosan," a holiday in which parents and grandparents give thanks for their children and grandchildren and wish that they will grow up to be healthy and good adults. On the day of Oeshiki, there are many children dressed up in special clothes.
